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Progress Report: Ground Zero Projects

1 World Trade Center: It’s reported that it’s currently rising about one story per week, with 64 of the 104 floors built. Estimated completion: End of 2013

2 World Trade Center: Crews are currently working on the basement. Estimated completion: Undetermined

3 World Trade Center: Basement work is going slowly, full tower construction is in flux. Estimated completion: Depends on finding a tenant

4 World Trade Center: Steel is going up and the structure stands about 23 stories, rising about one floor per week. Estimated completion: Sometime in 2013

9/11 Memorial: Work is ongoing with opening day set for 9/11/11

9/11 Museum: Crews are currently working below memorial plaza. Estimated completion: Sometime in 2012

PATH Hub: Workers continue on as the costs are soaring, currently standing at $3.4 billion. Estimated completion Sometime in 2014

Source:  NYC-Tower

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