Career choices changed for the better in 1984. There was a time, not so long ago, to build their careers; most up-and-coming architects and interior designers had to remain anchored to one desk, at one firm performing rote tasks. They gave only a very lucky few the opportunity to do actual design work.
Design firms then were in a hiring-and-firing cycle. They were rendering themselves rigid and inefficient in dealing with the natural ebb and flow of work.
Along came a young designer convinced there had to be a better path. In 1984, he founded Consulting for Architects, Inc. (CFA) and changed the industry’s hiring game forever. He offered talented architects and interior design professionals a promising new option:
Instead of making a long-term full-time commitment to “paying their dues” at a single employer, they could gather under the CFA banner and offer their services to a multitude of design firms. As those firms reaped the benefits of adopting CFA’s non-permanent hiring strategies, they offered more project-based opportunities.
Things snowballed from thereASA-member_horiz-COLOR-WEB.GIF: within less than a decade of pioneering the concepts of “flex hiring,” “full-time freelancing” and “project consulting,” CFA established itself as the industry’s most trusted, go-to source for architecture and interior design talent.
Other staffing businesses jumped into the game, but none could match CFA’s innate expertise and experience within the profession.
Today, project consulting has become the norm. Contingent workers have been a growing segment of the labor force since the recovery began in 2010. They account for over 25% of private-sector hiring.
CFA is a true “market-maker,” with thousands of strong project-based and permanent placements, and all thanks to its esteemed clients. Clients comprising hundreds of working professionals and firms on both sides of the hiring equation.
CFA – Who Are We?
Placement leader for architects, interior designers and building design professionals since 1984.